
Selasa, 23 Februari 2016

Woodworking Projects should start with Safety

I spend so much time writing about woodworking projects that I
realized it is best to share some safety tips.  Maybe you are new to
woodworking, or maybe you’re a professional woodworker, in any case,
take time to think about safety!

 Here are my woodworking safety tips to keep in mind:

 Stop Before You Cut And Think – Sometimes you might get in a hurry or
get so used to a power tool that you sometimes make a critical mistake
that can lead to injury.  Always take your time when cutting and using
power tools.  Pay close attention to your hands and their location to
sharp blades.

 A Clean Work Area is a Safer Work Area – Keep your area clean and you
are less likely to slip or trip.

 Don’t Get Distracted – Never take your eye off your work, especially
when cutting with a power saw of any type.  If you notice someone come
into the room or hear someone call your name remain focused on your
cutting and only look up after you have finished.

 Don’t Get Frustrated – Sometimes a project just isn’t going the way
you want and you may find yourself getting angry, which often leads to
rushing or taking shortcuts.  Take a short break to allow yourself to
get back in control of your emotions.

 Don’t Force a Tool to do it’s Job – Ever had a saw that just didn’t
seem to be cutting through a piece of wood?  Many times the natural
reaction is to push it harder against the blade.  This can lead to
serious injury as often the wood will kickback causing you to fall
towards the cutting blade.  If it is not cutting stop what you are
doing and examine the problem to determine the reason for the trouble.

 Use Protection – Eye protection should always be worn and in many
cases you should consider ear and possibly lung protection.  Always
make sure tool safety features are in working order before using a

 Wear Correct Clothing – Loose jewelry, clothing or hair could get
caught and cause serious injury.  Think about what you are wearing
before starting your woodworking projects.

 Get Some Air – Between sawdust and solvents the air can get pretty
bad while working on a wood project.  Try to keep the workshop
ventilated and the air moving.  Also take a break and get fresh air.

 Use Your Brain – The most important safety item is your brain.  Use
it!  Take advantage of your own common sense and try to do your job

 No woodworking project is worth getting injured over! Remember no
matter how small your woodworking projects are you can still injure
yourself. On the other hand being alter and paying attention means
that you can pick up woodworking projects for kids and help them learn
the joy of our favorite hobby.
small wood projects,
woodworking tools

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